Walkon Gin Fizz
Born 28.11.80

"Gin" was one of two red and white bitches from the first litter we ever bred being by Ch Alldane Golden Wonder Of Trywell. One boxer exhibitor who came to see them told us they were no good, to sell them both and start again. We didn't however and "Gin" became our first proper show dog!

We campaigned her round open shows in Scotland where right from a puppy she won well, winning both breed and variety classes. She was not really championship show quality but it did not deter us from taking her to the Scottish ones, some of the more northern English ones and started us on the frequent trips to Northern Ireland for both open and championship shows.

The pinnacle of her career was winning the Bostock Trophy for most points gained at open shows in Scotland for the year 1982 and 2nd in Junior Bitch at the Mancunian Boxer Club Championship Show that same year.

Like her mother before her she was a sound bitch with a plainish head but again like her mother produced better than herself. She was mated to the top sire at the time Ch Tyegarth Famous Grouse and produced Walkon Wotta Smasha, who in turn won the first RCC for the kennel and was the second link in the chain which lead directly, three generations later, to our biggest winner to date Ch Blueprint Beern Skittles At Walkon and Ch Roamaro Fun In The Sun With Walkon.


Ch Alldane Golden Wonder Of Trywell

Ch Thunderbolt Of Trywell Int Ch Seefeld Picasso
Trywell Tamerisk
Alldane Golden Blossom Maurolines Howlin' Gael
Alldane Golden Honey

Broomhouse Sea Queen Of Walkon

Whiteladies Red Alert Of Mistylaw Ch Alldane Golden Wonder Of Trywell
Whiteladies Oregano
Tammydales Carbon Copy Mistylaw Mastermind
Lady Stroma Of Tammydales